From The Spiritual to The Natural


The Bible says that greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world, and as Believers, we know that this is not just a cliché. We have a force inside of us that is greater than any spirit of the enemy. When we know the promises of God and we realize what is rightfully ours, we can expect God to do supernatural works

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It is written that where sin abounds, grace abounds more, and in these last days, there is an increase in angelic activities. The enemy will do anything he can to distract us and divert our attention from God’s power and His Word, but God is stronger. The Bible says that greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world, and as Believers, we know that this is not just a cliché. We have a force inside of us that is greater than any spirit of the enemy. When we know the promises of God and we realize what is rightfully ours, we can expect God to do supernatural works


3 CD Message


Taffi Dollar

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